The Struggling Writer

The chronicles of a freelance writer as he tries to make a living.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

More Absolute Write stuff

In the spirit of equal opportunity, I will point out that Absolute Write's web host has posted a rebuttal. I would dispute some of his arguments, but I consider the holes in his argument to be pretty self-evident.

A temporary forum for AW refugees has been set up here.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Absolute Write is gone...for now

I just wanted to pop my head up to toss some support toward Absolute Write during their temporary demise. They are the best writing site I've found, and yet they were taken down by...well, go read the whole story and draw your own conclusions.

Jenna is working to get the site transferred to a new host and they should be up shortly. Go there. It's a great community. This incident just shows me how much good she is doing for the community.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

A writer's work is never done

Now that is up, I need to do some marketing. I want to contact my former supervisors and get some testimonial quotes to put in the margins. I want to jazz up the site a bit because it's awfully stark right now. I want to print up some business cards and start handing them out to, well, everyone I've ever met. And so on.

And I still need to get some actual writing done!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My site is up

I finally finished the copy for my writing site. I'm reasonably happy with it, though it's a little "blah" right now. I need to polish up the look a bit.