The Struggling Writer

The chronicles of a freelance writer as he tries to make a living.

Friday, April 07, 2006


My plan is to blog daily, or at least bi-daily...

Let us all laugh out loud at that sentence from my first post.

I've been busy, just not with writing. I don't know where the days go. For example, the other day I had to do my taxes. Then I caught my cat playing with a bark scorpion, which are one of the most venomous species of scorpion in the world. So I had to find time to research how dangerous they are to me (not very unless I have an allergic reaction) and my cat (cat's are apparently immune to scorpion venom) and what a pest control agency could do (not much as there aren't any effective pesticides -- the best solution is environment control such as caulking up cracks). And there is always the inevitable yard work, dishes, laundry, and on and on.

And yet the little voice in my head reminds me that back when I had a real job I got this stuff done while working 40 hours a week. More than 40 if you include lunch and commute times. How the heck did I do it?

And every time I think about making a post here I just get a little embarassed about how long it's been since I posted here and how little I've accomplished. So I don't post and the problem gets worse.

Several days was taken up redesigning my personal website when I moved it to a new host. Although that doesn't directly help my writing career, I learned a lot about web design and PHP scripting so it will be useful once I get my professional site going...which is going to happen any day now. Really ;)

So back to information about writing...

I found a site called How to Do Things which is a new content site. There is some discussion on the Writers' Row Forums about whether or not they are legitimate. I signed up with them to write about disabilities (since I have such a personal interest in that because of my niece) and computers (since I just love computers and build my own systems). So at least I've made some progress.


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