The Struggling Writer

The chronicles of a freelance writer as he tries to make a living.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Slowly getting back to it

I am trying to get back my momentum after my disasterous July. My personal drama has abated (for now) and it's now just a matter of getting back to it.

The situation was complicated by the fact that my primary client was going through her own stuff during this time so I had no steady workflow. I had periods over the last six weeks that I could have gotten some work done but didn't have the energy for the marketing side of things. It would have helped to have a trickle of articles to keep me focused . Still, I guess it's better that our respective personal disasters were in parallel rather than in sequence. Imagine coming out of this nonsense just to have her go through another couple months of it.

This whole situation again underscores my biggest weakness as a freelancer: marketing. When I have work, I work hard and hit my deadlines. When I don't, I make lots of excuses to avoid self-promotion. It's not insecurity; I know I'm a good writer and have a lot to offer a client. I simply find marketing tedious, which is why I like subcontracts when I can find them.


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